
Mark Ani was selected as the preferred bidder for the NoPlugin project by the government

โดย: rocky [IP: 118.67.187.xxx]
เมื่อ: 2019-01-29 13:47:41
A Study on the Improvement of Internet Certifications in 10 Major Public Sites

(Gidinet Korea: Reporter Im Min-chul) Mark Ani, a digital rights management solution company, has been selected as the preferred bidder for the No plug-in project on the government's public website.

Without any other changes, the company will become the main operator of the "enhancing security of e-government websites" project and will be in charge of removing some of the plug-ins from 22 public institutions during the first half of this year.

The plug-in refers collectively to an additional program installed on the website visitor computer based on ActiveX (ActiveX), NPAPI, or Executable (EXE). This can lead to compatibility, stability, security, and resource consumption. Non-plug-in websites designed to avoid plug-in-related problems are getting popular.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security has also decided to make all e-government websites "no plug-ins" by 2020. First of all, it has come up with a 'advance project' plan to remove 30 public sites that are heavily used within 2018. However, it failed to carry out its leading business and passed the year. The reason was that the government was hindered by the problem of securing the budget.

Earlier this year, the government announced a plan to remove plug-ins, which slightly reduced existing targets. The Ministry of Public Administration and Security said on the 13th that it will remove the plug-in from 22 websites that 15 organizations are deploying and managing during the first half of this year so that all browsers can provide applications, information check, and certificate output.

The Norplug-in project was divided into two parts depending on the purpose of its implementation. One is 'enhancing security of e-government websites' that removes self-confirmations, electronic signatures, electronic document lookup, and plug-ins that are installed at the output stage, and another is 'enhancing convenience of e-government websites' 한국야동

that introduces browser certificates.

Mark Annie bid for 'E-Government Website Security' project worth 2.26 billion won, which is worth about 2.26 billion won, on the 22nd. As a result of the project's bidding on the 25th, Mark Ani secured the business' preferred bidder status as the top bidder for the proposal. However, the amount of the bidding was not disclosed because it was a 'contract by negotiation' method.

CEO Choi Jong-wook of Mark Ani said on the 28th that he was chosen as a preferred bidder, but it is not a final contract yet and that he did so with many businesses to remove plug-ins and that Samsung Display will also use Mark Ani's 'Ze-Client' solution as part of this process.

In the past, MacAeny has provided an e-PageSafer (e-PageSafer), a certificate verification program for Internet verification services, as a plug-in installation solution. A version has been developed that has been improved by a no-plug-in method, which creates a tamper-proof device such as a 2D barcode and inserts it into a document.

The zero-client solution mentioned by CEO Choi means a certificate forgery verification program that has been improved with this no-plug-in method. If Mark Ani signs a business contract to enhance security of e-government websites, it is expected that Samsung Electronics will provide a service to public sites that will be subject to this project.

Out of 19 public institutions subject to the proposed request, 19 sites of national health insurance, national pension, employment insurance, police service portal, traffic fine Internet payment, unipath, NEIS, Employment and Labor Ministry, welfare, e-driver's license, driver's license, auto certificate, military service, reserve military homepage, and 13 others are expected to improve their Internet identification services.


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