
The New Year's holiday "Fire in the Heart."C.O.R.

โดย: rocky [IP: 118.67.187.xxx]
เมื่อ: 2019-01-29 12:55:28
One thing to watch out for, especially during the long Lunar New Year holidays, is drinking and eating late into the night. If you drink or eat late at night during the holiday period, which is enough to oversleep the next day, there is a risk that you will suffer from gastrointestinal reflux disease. In particular, if you lie down right after eating, you will continue to secrete gastric acid during sleep, which increases the likelihood of a backward flow.

What is gastrointestinal reflux disease?

Gastric reflux disease is a disease that causes chest pain and pain as contents of the stomach including stomach acid flows backward to the esophagus. Between the esophagus and the stomach, the locked part opens abnormally and the contents flow backward. Usually, this tightening muscle is only open when swallowing or belching food.

If gastric acid reflux disease, which causes backflowing of gastric acid, becomes more serious, esophagitis, esophageal ulcer and stenosis can occur. When stomach acid falls over your throat, you may experience laryngitis, asthma, and chronic cough.

What are the causes and symptoms of gastric reflux disease?

Healthy people do not reverse gastric fluid to the esophageal esophageal cavity and diaphragm tightening. Even if there is a back current, the esophagus movement takes place and goes down again.

However, if there is a problem with such anatomical structures or functions, backflow disease occurs.일본야동

Some of the major causes include esophageal dysfunction, esophagus dysfunction, esophagus dysfunction, and a reduction in non-transferability. Certain drugs, smoking, drinking, late-night meals, and obesity are also causes.

A typical symptom of gastric reflux disease is pain in the chest. The burning sensation of the chest can cause painful symptoms as it is pushed up from the back of the chest bone to the mouth. Gastric reflux symptoms worsen when lying down or bent forward, and good when drinking water or taking antacids.

Since chest burning is not a common term, patients often complain of pain by using expressions such as "tat," "hot," "apda," and "push," or "puffy," "puffles," "puffles," and "smooth."

Sometimes, symptoms are non-typical, such as a chronic cough, hiccups, asthma, hoarse voice, laryngitis, and sore throat, which are typical and are similar to angina. This is because stomach acids stimulate pharynx and respiratory organs. These people may not have a feeling of fever, a typical symptom of gastrointestinal reflux disease.

How to treat and prevent gastrointestinal reflux disease?

There are three ways to treat gastrointestinal reflux diseases: lifestyle therapy, medication, and surgery. Surgery is also considered in cases of backflow disease, where most begin with medication and do not respond to high-capacity medications.

It has been reported that the correction of lifestyle habits was the first attempted treatment in the past, but it is uncertain how to improve backflow diseases that have already occurred. However, it is estimated that cured stomach food will also be effective in preventing the recurrence of back-flow diseases.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to correct your eating habits. Alcohol, fatty foods, coffee, soda, mint, and chocolate can cause problems with the function of the lower-level myocardial muscles. According to the Korea Health Management Association's Health Promotion Agency, spicy foods, sour juice, and spices that stimulate the mucous membrane of the esophagus also have bad effects. The habit of lying down right after meals, eating late at night, and overeating also worsen the disease, so these lifestyle habits should be corrected. Some medicines, such as blood pressure pills, osteoporosis pills, and calcium pills, can cause backflow problems, so people who take them need to consult their doctor.


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